Private and free Web-site for Healey hundred enthusiasts -Thank you for your messages and your encouragements - Didier Mongin

Posting by Judy Wrobel " april 04 - 2010 "


Photos submitted by Judy Wrobel
Picture #01

Owner Judy Wrobel

Austin Healey factory certified 100M

Judy :

Thought I'd send a few photos of my factory certified 100M.  Her name is Agatha A Healey and she is alive and well in the Land Of Enchantment also known as New Mexico, USA.  She's a proud Healey and bears the signature of Gerry Coker.  He autographed her at the Healey Conclave in San Diego a couple of years ago.

Didier :

Very nice car

Picture #03

Judy :

Good luck with your site and as a point of interest try logging on to  I think you will find it very interesting.

Judy Wrobel
Proud Caregiver to Agatha

Didier :

Thank you Judy